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Today is the shore of so much glory, oblivion.

Jorge Luis Borges,

abandoned poem line

In oblivion and not in memory we find Marcelo Quiroga Santa Cruz; the shore we can see is in the past. Here you will find hundreds, no, thousands of unattended pages; written and audiovisual documents rescued and organized so that one day, a little less distant today, oblivion becomes memory, then understanding and, finally, the realization of a collective history.

General cemetery of the city of La Paz-Bolivia

We constitute ourselves asself-employed
of the global public sphere,
to incorporate into its various nuances that of thelocal history of the Bolivian people.
We do it in tribute
to the memory of the democratic and emancipatory praxis ofMarcelo Quiroga Santa Cruz, whose intellectual legacy
and heritage of struggle we preserve and organize
to look at the entire American continent, accompanying from here and now,  the peoples and workers who resist with the feeling for those who are no longer, the dark design of inequality and exclusion of the system of global capitalist domination.

Last statement to Radio Panamericana de La Paz, minutes before going to the headquarters of the Central Obrera Boliviana (COB) for the emergency meeting of the National Council for the Defense of Democracy (CONADE), on July 17, 1980:

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Marcelo Quiroga-Santa Cruz
"The wounded Marcelo was taken to the General Staff (the Bolivian military and mercenaries who assaulted the Central Obrera Boliviana), where he was savagely tortured while still alive."

Documented by the German magazineStern(1984), to which the soldiers themselves sold photos of the corpse of the socialist leader. AlsoAmericas Watch("The García Meza Tejada Trial", 1993) denounced that Argentine officers who were experts in torture instructed the agents of the Special Security Service (SES) of Bolivia, intervening in the ordeal to which Quiroga Santa Cruz was subjected.

Cristina Wheat Viana
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Bolivian artist Luis Zilveti, based in Paris, sent Cristina Trigo an image of the "Marcelo tree" in that city, painted a portrait of Quiroga Santa Cruz that Cristina kept in her living room, and made a drawing for the cover from the book by Giancarla ZabalagaThe lives of the uninhabited(in our Documentation Center).

This novel "from memory", notes Virginia Ayllón on the back cover of the book, whose cover illustrates the "Rectoral Garden in Spring" (oil painting by van Gogh, 1884). Cristina addresses the unnameable of blood, around a youthful poem by Marcelo Quiroga Santa Cruz.

La Paz, Plural editors, 2006, 352 pgs.

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COME IN/VIEWSof1980 about the dispute of twodemocracy projects in Latin America

Original text with handwritten notes from the interviewee.

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Gerhard Desombre interview forweeklyWochenpostof the former German Democratic Republic (GDR), February 15, 1980.

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Soledad con proyecciones

"No ignoro ese juicio, originado y difundido por la derecha, que me atribuye una personalidad acentuadamente individualista y desdeñosa. Quienes, de buena fe, acogen esta idea, confunden la intransigencia en la defensa de los principios irrenunciables, con el orgullo. Cuando la cobardía moral hace presa de una colectividad cualquiera, el valor civil de una persona se confunde con el desplante. Cuando la corrupción se generaliza, la honradez se confunde con el desinterés económico, sin mérito, porque se estaría en condiciones de prescindir del soborno o el robo. Cuando los conductores políticos mudan de aliados y de principios, con la frecuencia con que cambian de ropa, se confunde la consecuencia con la soberbia. Cuando el temor o el envilecimiento degrada a los hombres a la condición de invertebrados, que alguien conserve y haga uso de su columna vertebral, parece algo insoportable".

Interview in Cochabamba on the elections of the 1st. July 1979. The fronts of the MNR and the UDP, indistinguishable in their political project from that of the Armed Forces and meeting in a confidential manner with the coup military High Command:

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Invited by Radio News of the Continent (RNC),Through a letter sent from San José, Costa Rica, the Bolivian socialist leader took stock of the elections and sent a message of unwavering faith to the peoples of Latin America.

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On June 30, 1980, general elections were held in Bolivia for the third time in three years (1978, 1979, 1980), giving a quantitative victory to the Democratic and Popular Unity (political front with a centrist position) and an ideological-political victory to the Partido Popular. Socialist-1 led by Quiroga Santa Cruz.

"A message of limitless faith in the destiny of our common struggle..."

Interviewed in Mexico City by the Argentine journalist and exile Elsa Jascalevich, who previously asked the Bolivian socialist leader how he defined himself politically. That time Quiroga Santa Cruz replied: "What I have done and am going to do will be strictly consistent with a final objective: the substitution of an exploitative regime for another in which social justice is possible."

(Unomasuno Newspaper, Mexico City, December 4, 1977).

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At the beginning of 1981, after the massacre of several leaders of the Revolutionary Left Movement (MIR), who had remained in the country resisting the military dictatorship installed in 1980, the Bolivian journalist Juan Carlos Salazar recalled from the Uruguayan weekly Marcha ("El coup blanco de Banzer", no. 11, January-February 1981), the possible drifts of the democratic closure that Quiroga Santa Cruz had foreseen before being assassinated.

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Marcelo Quiroga Santa Cruz nació en la ciudad de Cochabamba-Bolivia, el 13 de marzo de 1931

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Radio LoRa-Zurich MarceloQuirogaSC (LPZ, 16 12 10) (1)
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Evo Morales and Álvaro García governed for 14 years (2006-2019) denying the existence of files from the dictatorships and promising Cristina Trigo to find the remains of her husband. For the last 4 years, officials such as Nila Heredia and Edgar Ramírez (photo) led a Truth Commission, whose report presented by President Luis Arce (2022) does not clarify anything. Military impunity with the MAS exacerbates that of previous neoliberal regimes, including that of Gen. Hugo Banzer Suárez, main interested in the untried crime.

Photo Bolivian Information Agency (ABI).

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