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MQSC, Juicio a la dictadura de Banzer, agosto de 1979_edited.jpg

Consultive advice

Intellectuals. Academics. cultural managers.

Its members honor our institution by suggesting lines of local/global dialogue  to encourage a critical public sphere, as well as production

of social knowledge through ourRED AND WHITE NOTEBOOKS

Works of the members of the Advisory Council
allusive to Marcelo Quiroga Santa Cruz and referred to in the Documentation Center, as well as those that are going to be outlined in theRED AND WHITE NOTEBOOKS.

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César Brie, Argentine, theater director and author of the text of this work: "Otra vez Marcelo", informs that with it a trilogy dedicated to "the political" is closed, whose first two units were: "La Ilíada" and "En a yellow sun"

In Bolivia Marcelo is named but his writings are not known,
his thought is not studied and little is known of his personal history. Rescuing him from oblivion is, for us, fulfilling what Roberto Juarroz, the great Argentine poet, summed up in one sentence: "Thinking of a man is equivalent to saving him.

Susan Buck-Morss, an American, trained in political philosophy and social theory, postulates reconfiguring knowledge by addressing the very different sources in a transversal manner, since specialized theory would not be sufficiently shaping public debate:

"Histories that rely on easy differences of civilization or religion are an impoverished picture of the field of historical scholarship, while theorists (my own academic specialization), due to selective readings of past texts, have not aided us in overcoming these limitations. Meanwhile scholars of the first century have been busy at work, tearing down walls between categories with explosive consequences for conventional understandings.
of the very best of them, precisely because they do not underscore existing prejudices, are not sufficiently informing public debate. But whereas new knowledge of the past fundamentally challenges the premises upon which modern theories have been constructed, the converse is true as well. The very word “history” is a theoretical construct, indeed the fundamental armature by which modernity has ordered time, connecting the past in a linear, causal path to the present that projects its own reality, uninterrupted, into the future. Within this model, any break in the linear trajectory must appear as catastrophic.
(Susan Buck-Morss.YEAR 1: A Philosophical Recounting.Cambridge Massachusetts: The MIT Press, 2021). 

María Soledad Quiroga, a Bolivian poet and narrator, explains that this collection of poems alludes to the "disappearance" of her mother (Cristina Trigo) and the early disappearance of her father (Marcelo Quiroga):

The parents, the closest and inevitably distant. Deeply rooted in that center we can only start walking and walk away. (...)
It is not something different from assuming our fragmentary condition, that of being in the world, that of stammering, writing haltingly and losing one's footing, subject to the bond, losing it...

Juan Carlos Salazar del Barrio, Bolivian, journalist and narrator, claims to present only sketches of those portrayed because the vital labyrinth of each character would be almost cryptic:

The semblance is not a "life story", as is supposed, not even a profile, but a fleeting vision, the perception of the flash of a trajectory, a line that barely hints at contours and contexts, without specifying features or countenances. It is not, then, a photograph, but just an appearance.

Afiche y cita de MQSC por JAQ de Plural, 2022_edited.jpg

José Antonio Quiroga, Bolivian, trained in philosophy and editor, suggests that the quote inscribed on this poster designed by Plural editors expresses a recurring political tension between democracy and monologue from which Bolivia is not immune:

"Politics, that favorite task of contemporary man, recognizes in the dialogue its healthiest form of expression. In the monologue, on the other hand, a denatured politics is better expressed. Since April 1952, a strident and tedious official monologue has prevented the free discussion of ideas and supplanted all serene reasoning.Since then, the problems with the most delicate solution, the most acute social questions, thesubstantial issues of our public life, have been treated with rude and gross theoretical instruments, clumsily handled by people more interested in the expression of a cry or a feeling of hatred, than in the discovery of the truth."(Marcelo Quiroga Santa Cruz.April's victory over the nation,La Paz: SE, 1960).

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